Most of my colleages don’t know I’m a big fan of graphics programming and that I used to write a lot of hobby projects on the topic (A DirectX 9 2d engine, a software renderer from scratch, etc). Life is complex and for multiple reasons I’ve never worker professionally in the field, but my interest kept there.

Some days ago I got tired of writing docs for my next tinyrefl release, and started to thinkabout a new hobby project to distract myself from my main project (Yeah…). So I pulled again my Amazon Kindle account and downloaded all “Raytracing In A Weekend” series by Peter Shirley.

For those of you new to this field, raytracing is a way of doing computer graphics where scene ilumination is computed by simulating light rays across the scene, with complex light interactions such as reflection, refraction, etc. This technique, in contrast with “rasterization” used in real time graphics, gives realistic images at the expense of long computation times.

Peter Shirley books are available online and provide probably the best introduction to ray tracing from the implementation perspective.

This was not the first time I read Shirley’s books, but now I wanted to read the books in depth while working on my own implementation.

The implementation

I called my implementation raytracer (Naming is hard, you know…), and hosted it on github.

The project is organized as three different modules:

  • A library with all the raytracing datatypes and math routines: vector and color algebra, rgb and hsv color maps, random generation, intersections, etc.

  • A lock-free job scheduler to parallelize the rendering. A couple of years ago I wrote an implementation of a lock-free work stealing task scheduler using C++11 atomics (blog post here), and I thought that this project could be a good excuse to put such as thing in practice.

  • A common runtime library for easy setup of renderers. The idea is that all renderer setup is implemented by this library and you only have to write a kernel() function and link it against the runtime library to get a working renderer executable:

    void kernel(
        const float x, // [0, 1] in screen space
        const float y, // [0, 1] in screen space
        const kernel_constants& constants,
        color& pixel)
         pixel = color::hsv(x);

    The runtime library takes care of setting up a renderer parallelized so that each pixel is computed as an independent job (task). It also implements reflection of runtime configuration and kernel constants so that these can be read from a JSON config file or from command line arguments:

    struct settings
      rt::kernel_constants kernel_constants;
        rt::description("Number of job engine parallel threads (default: all [hardware threads])")
      std::string threads = "all";
          "Logging level (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, OFF) (default: INFO)")
      std::string log_level = "INFO";
        rt::description("Output image file (default: output.ppm")
      std::string output_file = "output.ppm";
      std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> jobs_per_thread;
          "Default thread job pool size (default: all)")]]
      std::string default_jobs_per_thread = "all";
    $ ./bin/mandelbrot --help                   0,0642s
     raytracer lib client
       raytracer-client [OPTION...]
       -i, --iterations arg          Number of iterations (default: 1)
       -s, --samples arg             Semples per pixel (default: 1)
       -w, --width arg               Width of the output image in pixels (default:
       -h, --height arg              Height of the output image in pixels
                                     (default: 600)
           --aspect_ratio arg        Aspect ratio used by the renderer (default:
       -t, --threads arg             Number of job engine parallel threads
                                     (default: all [hardware threads])
       -l, --log_level arg           Logging level (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING,
                                     ERROR, CRITICAL, OFF) (default: INFO)
       -f, --output_file arg         Output image file (default: output.ppm
           --default_jobs_per_thread arg
                                     Default thread job pool size (default: all)
           --help                    Display this help and exit
       -c, --config-file arg         Full path to the configuration JSON file

    Command line options override settings written in the configuration file, so testing different scenarios is really simple.
    For example, the following config file declares an scenario where the renderer uses all hardware threads available, the main thread has a job pool big enough to allocate all the kernel() jobs, all background threads have an empty job pool (All kernel() jobs are issued from the main thread), and the renderer is configured with 4k resolution and one sample per pixel:

        "log_level": "INFO",
        "output_file": "output.ppm",
        "threads": "all",
        "jobs_per_thread": {
            "thread-0": "100%"
        "default_jobs_per_thread": "0%",
        "kernel_constants": {
            "iterations": 100,
            "samples_per_pixel": 1,
            "screen_width": 4096,
            "screen_height": 2160,
            "aspect_ratio": 1.896296

    If I run the renderer with the above config file I get:

    $ ./bin/renderer -c ../settings.json
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.221] [info] loading config file ../settings.json ...
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.356] [info] runtime settings:
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.356] [info]  - worker threads: all (4)
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]  - output file: output.ppm
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]  - max allocated jobs per thread:
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]     thread 0: 100% (8847360 jobs)
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]     thread 1: 0% (0 jobs)
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]     thread 2: 0% (0 jobs)
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]     thread 3: 0% (0 jobs)
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info] constants:
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]  - iterations: 100
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]  - samples per pixel: 1
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]  - screen width: 4096 pixels
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]  - screen height: 2160 pixels
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info]  - aspect ratio: 1.8963
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info] 
    [2019-06-19 03:09:09.357] [info] Starting...
    [2019-06-19 03:09:23.727] [info] elapsed time: 13675 ms
    [2019-06-19 03:09:23.809] [info] Done. Saving rendering to file...

    But if I override some settings, say screen resolution, I get this instead:

    $ ./bin/renderer -c ../settings.json -w 800 -h 600
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.624] [info] loading config file ../settings.json ...
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.641] [info] runtime settings:
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.641] [info]  - worker threads: all (4)
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.641] [info]  - output file: output.ppm
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.641] [info]  - max allocated jobs per thread:
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.641] [info]     thread 0: 100% (480000 jobs)
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]     thread 1: 0% (0 jobs)
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]     thread 2: 0% (0 jobs)
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]     thread 3: 0% (0 jobs)
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info] constants:
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]  - iterations: 100
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]  - samples per pixel: 1
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]  - screen width: 800 pixels
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]  - screen height: 600 pixels
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]  - aspect ratio: 1.8963
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info] 
    [2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info] Starting...
    [2019-06-19 03:13:41.463] [info] elapsed time: 752 ms
    [2019-06-19 03:13:41.469] [info] Done. Saving rendering to file...

Then weird things start to happen…

If you managed to keep reading up to this point you may have noticed I’ve not shown any raytracing code yet. That’s because while I have been implementing the math library with raytracing primitives I’ve focused my tests to get the runtime as smooth as possible (So testing the final raytracer would be easy).

To do so, I’ve written a Mandelbrot set kernel to use it for profiling:

void kernel(
    const float x,
    const float y,
    const kernel_constants& constants,
    color& pixel)
    complex origin{
        (x - 0.7f) * constants.aspect_ratio * 2.0f,
        (y - 0.5f) * 2.0f};

    complex z{0.0f, 0.0f};

    std::size_t i = 0;

    while(i < constants.iterations && std::abs(z) < 2.0f)
        z = z * z + origin;

    if(i < constants.iterations)
        pixel = color::hsv(static_cast<float>(i) / constants.iterations);

which produces an image like the following:

Mandelbrot set 800x600 100x iterations

This image was generated with the 4K JSON config shown before, but changing the resolution to 800x600:

$ ./bin/mandelbrot -c ../settings.json -w 800 -h 600
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.624] [info] loading config file ../settings.json ...
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.641] [info] runtime settings:
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.641] [info]  - worker threads: all (4)
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.641] [info]  - output file: output.ppm
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.641] [info]  - max allocated jobs per thread:
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.641] [info]     thread 0: 100% (480000 jobs)
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]     thread 1: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]     thread 2: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]     thread 3: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info] constants:
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]  - iterations: 100
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]  - samples per pixel: 1
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]  - screen width: 800 pixels
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]  - screen height: 600 pixels
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info]  - aspect ratio: 1.8963
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info] 
[2019-06-19 03:13:40.642] [info] Starting...
[2019-06-19 03:13:41.463] [info] elapsed time: 752 ms
[2019-06-19 03:13:41.469] [info] Done. Saving rendering to file...

800x600 x100 iterations/pixel Mandelbrot set, Intel Core i7-6560U @2.20 GHz x4 threads

If I did the std::chrono thing right the rendering took around 752 milliseconds.

Note I’m not measuring the job scheduler setup time nor the time it takes the renderer to dump the buffer to a PPM file. However job creation and scheduling is measured since jobs are submitted and processed on the fly from the main thread. For reference, this is the function that schedules kernel() jobs in parallel, following a fork-join pattern:

void canvas::foreach(
  canvas::pixel_function          function,
  const kernel_constants&         constants,
  const std::size_t               threads,
  const std::vector<std::size_t>& jobsPerThread)
  rt::jobs::Engine engine{threads, jobsPerThread, pixel_count()};

  // Time measurement starts here, all scheduler initialization is done
  // in the Engine constructor
  const auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

  const float x_ratio = 1.0f / _width;
  const float y_ratio = 1.0f / _height;

  auto* worker = engine.threadWorker();

  auto* root = worker->pool().createJob([](rt::jobs::Job&) {});

  for(std::size_t row = 0; row < _height; ++row)
    for(std::size_t column = 0; column < _width; ++column)
      auto&       pixel = this->pixel(row, column);

      auto* pixelJob = worker->pool().createClosureJobAsChild(
        [function, row, column, x_ratio, y_ratio, &pixel, constants](rt::jobs::Job& job) {
          for(std::size_t i = 0; i < constants.samples_per_pixel; ++i)
            const float x     = (column + rt::random()) * x_ratio;
            const float y     = 1.0f - (row + rt::random()) * y_ratio;
            color local_pixel = color::rgb(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            function(x, y, constants, local_pixel);
            pixel += local_pixel;

          pixel /= constants.samples_per_pixel;
      }, root);


  worker->wait(root); // thread "blocks" here

  const auto elapsed = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start;

    "elapsed time: {} ms",

I’m sure things can be optimized further, but it was a good start.

But when I switched to my desktop PC and started experimenting with other scenarios I noticed timings were a bit weird. For example:

./build/bin/mandelbrot -c settings.json --iterations 100
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.471] [info] loading config file settings.json ...
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info] runtime settings:
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]  - worker threads: all (16)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]  - output file: output.ppm
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]  - max allocated jobs per thread:
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 0: 100% (8847360 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 1: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 2: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 3: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 4: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 5: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 6: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 7: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 8: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 9: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 10: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 11: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 12: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 13: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 14: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]     thread 15: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info] constants:
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]  - iterations: 100
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]  - samples per pixel: 1
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]  - screen width: 4096 pixels
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]  - screen height: 2160 pixels
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info]  - aspect ratio: 1.8963
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info] 
[2019-06-19 11:30:32.508] [info] Starting...
[2019-06-19 11:30:39.944] [info] elapsed time: 7137 ms
[2019-06-19 11:30:40.043] [info] Done. Saving rendering to file...

4K x100 iterations/pixel Mandelbrot set, Ryzen 7 1700X 3.4GHz x16 threads

Okay, 7.137 seconds. Now look at this:

 ./build/bin/mandelbrot -c settings.json --iterations 100 --threads 50%
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.393] [info] loading config file settings.json ...
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info] runtime settings:
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]  - worker threads: 50% (8)
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]  - output file: output.ppm
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]  - max allocated jobs per thread:
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]     thread 0: 100% (8847360 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]     thread 1: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]     thread 2: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]     thread 3: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]     thread 4: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]     thread 5: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]     thread 6: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]     thread 7: 0% (0 jobs)
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info] constants:
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]  - iterations: 100
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]  - samples per pixel: 1
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]  - screen width: 4096 pixels
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]  - screen height: 2160 pixels
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info]  - aspect ratio: 1.8963
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info] 
[2019-06-19 11:30:47.430] [info] Starting...
[2019-06-19 11:30:52.981] [info] elapsed time: 5252 ms
[2019-06-19 11:30:53.020] [info] Done. Saving rendering to file...

4K x100 iterations/pixel Mandelbrot set, Ryzen 7 1700X 3.4GHz x8 threads

Whaaaat? Half the threads and it gets almost 2s down?

Profile first, cry later

I kept running those tests for a couple of hours and the numbers were consistently weird. If you have experience with concurrent systems something could have been a bit suspicious from the very start of this post: Why I’m allocating one task per pixel?

I know things could be simpler if I just subdivide the framebuffer in 16 (Number of hardware threads) separated clusters and issue just one task per cluster, but that goes against my philosophy when doing concurrency: Focus on declaring your tasks and their dependencies, and leave allocation and scheduling to more experienced people.

IMHO I’m nowhere an expert of lock-free data structures, if that’s even possible. So I will never put something like this job scheduler in production but search for alternatives online.

Corollary: Threads and their associated control structures (Mutexes, condition variables, etc) are not the right abstraction for concurrency but implementation details. [Pedantic rant off]

In this specific case the goal of the system is to render multiple independent pixels, so from a pure logic point of view each pixel is an independent task. So, one task per pixel, throwing all the hard problems to the scheduler.

Going back to the real world of Implementing Things That Work (tm) this approach is not optimal if for some reason your system takes more time playing ping-pong in the task scheduler than actually doing userful work. That happens if the time to run each task is similar (or less) to the time it takes the scheduler to grab a pending task and posting it on a worker thread.

If you haven’t read my post lock-free job stealing (or the original post by Stefan Reinalter) let me give you a brief explanation of how the job scheduler works:

  • The engine creates N - 1 background threads, and manages the current thread (The thread that creates the engine) as implicitly created.

  • Each thread has a memory pool to allocate jobs from that thread and a lock-free queue to submit jobs to that thread. Allocating and posting a job is done in two different steps:

    Job* job = current_thread.pool.create(); // allocates a job
    current_thread.submit(job) // puts the job in the thread work queue
  • Background threads pull jobs in a loop from their correspondent work queues. If the queue is empty, the thread tries to “steal” a job from the queue of one of the other threads (randomnly).

  • If both the thread job queue the the other random job queue return nothing, the thread yields (To avoid busy waits).

  • The foreground thread, the thread that created the engine, can execute jobs when doing waits for job completion by calling wait(Job* job). wait() works similar to the background thread loops. Background threads can also wait() for a job completion as part of a job execution.

After building the Mandelbrot renderer with profiling enabled (-pg with GCC), I run the example again through uftrace, a function call tracer for C and C++:

$ uftrace record ./build/bin/mandelbrot -c settings.json -w 1024 -h 768
elapsed time: 2483 ms
Done. Saving rendering to file...

$ ufrace report

Total time   Self time       Calls  Function
==========  ==========  ==========  ====================
  43.046 s    6.379  s          15  std::thread::_State_impl::_M_run
  10.768 s  307.555 ms      786432  rt::jobs::Job::run
  10.219 s  373.328 ms      786431  rt::jobs::closure::$_0::_FUN
   9.724 s  157.002 ms      786432  rt::canvas::foreach::$_0::_FUN
   9.567 s    5.912  s      786431  kernel
   7.691 s    4.413  s    11215993  rt::jobs::Engine::randomWorker
   7.533 s    7.533  s     1322551  sched_yield
   6.532 s    0.360 us           1  main
   6.532 s   27.350 us           1  run
   6.531 s    4.750 us           1  kernel_runner
   6.509 s    4.964  s    11399823  rt::jobs::JobQueue::pop
   5.048 s    3.722  s     9893442  rt::jobs::JobQueue::steal
   3.624 s  221.279 ms           1  rt::canvas::dump_to_file
   3.123 s   98.572 ms      787242  fmt::v5::vformat_to
   3.024 s    1.078  s      787242  fmt::v5::internal::parse_format_string
   2.901 s  534.607 ms           1  rt::canvas::foreach
   2.285 s    2.285  s    11215993  std::uniform_int_distribution::operator()
   2.141 s    2.141  s    31130753  spdlog::logger::log
   1.765 s    1.765  s    18906517  cabsf
   1.671 s    1.671  s    19066979  __mulsc3
   1.666 s   91.735 ms           1  rt::jobs::Worker::wait
   1.489 s  307.648 ms     2359372  fmt::v5::visit_format_arg
   1.354 s    1.354  s    20450839  spdlog::details::registry::instance
   1.181 s  617.921 ms     2359297  fmt::v5::basic_writer::write_padded

Looking at the Self time column of the uftrace report we see that the example wasted around 7 seconds yielding (See sched_yield row), and just around 6 seconds doing actual work in kernel() (Note one kernel() call is issued per pixel). That means some scheduler threads suffer from starvation because other threads are taking all the work. Having scheduler related functions at the top of the timing report is a clear indicator that threads are idle most of the time.

Note this behavior is balanced between all engine threads over time, it’s not always the same threads that take all the work but sometimes it’s one thread which manages to get the work and others that get stuck.

If you look at engine execution statistics, job execution is balanced across background threads but the full execution time gets longer than expected:

[info] elapsed time: 31866 ms
[debug] Stopping worker 0...
[debug] Worker 0 stopped (8847360 jobs were allocated [100%], 2091173 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 0 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 1...
[debug] Worker 1 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 454260 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 2898 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 2...
[debug] Worker 2 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 441886 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4003 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 3...
[debug] Worker 3 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 444041 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4264 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 4...
[debug] Worker 4 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 454229 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4203 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 5...
[debug] Worker 5 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 454127 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4252 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 6...
[debug] Worker 6 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 446256 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4357 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 7...
[debug] Worker 7 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 448462 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4404 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 8...
[debug] Worker 8 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 438851 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4225 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 9...
[debug] Worker 9 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 437758 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4203 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 10...
[debug] Worker 10 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 453287 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4447 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 11...
[debug] Worker 11 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 449126 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4489 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 12...
[debug] Worker 12 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 497281 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4752 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 13...
[debug] Worker 13 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 445606 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4373 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 14...
[debug] Worker 14 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 444109 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4280 max idle cycles)
[debug] Stopping worker 15...
[debug] Worker 15 stopped (0 jobs were allocated [100%], 446908 jobs were run, 0 jobs discarded, 4541 max idle cycles)
[info] Done. Saving rendering to file...

Running the same example with half the threads gives almost the same execution time:

$ uftrace record ./build/bin/mandelbrot -c settings.json -w 1024 -h 768 --threads 50%
elapsed time: 2861 ms
Done. Saving rendering to file...

$ ufrace report

Total time   Self time       Calls  Function
==========  ==========  ==========  ====================
 16.705  s    2.473  s           7  std::thread::_State_impl::_M_run
  7.902  s  205.519 ms      786432  rt::jobs::Job::run
  7.535  s  271.779 ms      786431  rt::jobs::closure::$_0::_FUN
  7.169  s  112.403 ms      786432  rt::canvas::foreach::$_0::_FUN
  7.057  s    4.247  s      786431  kernel
  6.150  s    0.680 us           1  main
  6.150  s   34.670 us           1  run
  6.148  s    4.040 us           1  kernel_runner
  3.727  s  234.821 ms           1  rt::canvas::dump_to_file
  3.210  s   99.347 ms      787226  fmt::v5::vformat_to
  3.111  s    1.127  s      787226  fmt::v5::internal::parse_format_string
  2.875  s    1.778  s     5410145  rt::jobs::Engine::randomWorker
  2.539  s    1.946  s     5627477  rt::jobs::JobQueue::pop
  2.417  s  447.145 ms           1  rt::canvas::foreach
  1.671  s    1.227  s     4205707  rt::jobs::JobQueue::steal
  1.531  s  317.070 ms     2359340  fmt::v5::visit_format_arg
  1.436  s   82.958 ms           1  rt::jobs::Worker::wait
  1.370  s    1.370  s    18906520  cabsf
  1.272  s    1.272  s    19066979  __mulsc3
  1.214  s  641.059 ms     2359297  fmt::v5::basic_writer::write_padded
745.856 ms  745.697 ms    14008537  spdlog::logger::log
689.986 ms  689.986 ms     5410145  std::uniform_int_distribution::operator()
471.963 ms  471.876 ms     9016382  spdlog::details::registry::instance
419.634 ms  309.172 ms     1643366  fmt::v5::basic_writer::padded_int_writer::operator()
407.030 ms  407.030 ms     5410145  rt::jobs::Worker::running
362.867 ms  362.867 ms     1204438  sched_yield

but note how sched_yield() only takes 362 milliseconds now, and other scheduler internal functions such as JobQueue::steal() or JobQueue::pop() take around 4 times less time running.

To confirm my theory I rerun the all threads scenario but with 1000 iterations per pixel instead of 100. Since the mandelbrot kernel uses this iterations config for the escape time of the mandelbrot set check, having more iterations per pixel means each pixel takes longer to run:

$ uftrace record ./build/bin/mandelbrot -c settings.json -w 1024 -h 768 --iterations 1000
elapsed time: 2861 ms
Done. Saving rendering to file...

$ ufrace report

  Total time   Self time       Calls  Function
  ==========  ==========  ==========  ====================
    1.034  m   20.173  s          15  std::thread::_State_impl::_M_run
    1.018  m  376.804 ms      786431  rt::jobs::Job::run
    1.018  m  963.867 ms      786431  rt::jobs::closure::$_0::_FUN
    1.017  m    1.016  m      780761  kernel
    8.542  s    0.581 us           1  main
    8.542  s   42.429 us           1  run
    8.539  s    7.524 us           1  kernel_runner
    6.325  s  851.467 ms           1  rt::canvas::foreach
    5.454  s  132.997 ms           1  rt::jobs::Worker::wait
    2.211  s  173.843 ms           1  rt::canvas::dump_to_file
    2.028  s    2.015  s      786504  fmt::v5::internal::parse_format_string
    1.235  s    1.235  s       10721  linux:schedule
  326.466 ms    8.798 ms        6879  sched_yield
  238.994 ms  176.710 ms      158243  rt::jobs::Engine::randomWorker
  170.134 ms   28.633 ms        9929  __mulsc3
  158.411 ms   29.409 ms       10205  cabsf
   71.590 ms    9.769 ms        4946  rt::jobs::JobQueue::pop
   50.050 ms    5.375 ms        2584  rt::jobs::JobQueue::steal

This makes more sense, scheduler functions are at the bottom of the report and kernel() sits at the top.

Lessons learned

  • Always setup a new project so that it can easily debugged and profiled from day one.
  • When writing code it’s good to put quality over performance hacks, but never forget about profiling. In my experience it’s easier to fall into the trap of early pessimization than on the devil of early optimization.
  • Having hobby projects that are technically challenging is quite fun!

Some more notes

  • uftrace includes a lot of options, my personal favorites being a ncurses-based TUI and a Google Chrome compatible timeline graph.

  • In all the profiling examples run for this post uftrace was run with a time filer to ignore functions that take less than one microsecond (--time-filter 1us). This was neccessary to avoid blocking uftrace: By default uftrace works by launching the profiled application as a child process and spawning multiple write-profile-data-to-disk threads that communicate with the profiled process through a socket. Whenever an instrumented function is left, the profiled child process sends the profile data to one of the write-to-disk uftrace threads using writev(). If there’s a high workload sometimes all the profiled process threads get blocked in writev(), I guess the write-to-disk threads of uftrace could not cope with the load. Also be careful because if you force kill the process in that situation you may end up with a memory leak even after killing the process, which makes your ram usage to increase over time.

    I know how it sounds, that should not be possible. I’m not a linux kernel expert, but I can tell you that’s exactly what I see whenever that happens. I have 32GB of RAM in both of my desktop PCs and I’ve to restart them after running, blocking, and killing a uftrace session multiple times if I forgot to add time filters.

  • The raytracer runtime implements antialiasing through the --samples-per-pixel option, so I could have used it to increase the per pixel work instead of --iterations. I think --iterations makes more sense for the Mandelbrot example, antialiasing is really implemented with raytracing in mind.

  • The first weeks of the raytracer implementation were used to fix bugs in my implementation of the job stealing scheduler. Looking at the post, the main issue was that I completely forgot to add a memory barrier after touching one of the markers of the queue, something that Stefan Reinalter explicitly explains as being “The most important part of this implementation” in his blog post. With C++11, a MEMORY_BARRIER could be implemented as a std::atomic_thread_fence(). Check my implementation and compare it with Stephan’s.

    “Raytracing In One Weekend”… More like “Being Wrong For Two Years And A Couple Of Weeks, And Writing A Post About It”. Lock-free is hard…

  • I don’t expect the weird thread starvation issues to happen with the real raytracing scenes since raytracing is inherently expensive at the pixel level (Antialiasing, recursive scene marching, Montecarlo based importance sampling, etc).

  • All the examples shown are from the same mandelbrot executable compiled in release mode with GCC 9. Note when enabling intrumentation for profiling (-pg) timings change compared to a normal release build, and also running the program through the profiler changes timings even more. Never compare release and profiled runs, but measure diffs between profile sessions.

  • Timings in this post do not explicitly include the time to write the output image down to disk, but you can check it in the uftrace reports shown, search for the canvas::dump_to_file() function. As the resolution of the image increases the time it takes to write the PPM file becomes an issue. Right now I’m using fmt’s fmt::print() with a std::ofstream, so maybe I can be lazy this time and blame the standard streams library debug performance.

  • The raytracer runtime uses the work-in-progress 0.5.0 release of tinyrefl to implement settings and scene reflection. In the following weeks (months?) I will write some posts about the new features of tinyrefl and how they’re used in the raytracer runtime.

Some cool raytracing pictures! (Work in progress)

At the time of writing this post I have completed Chapter 8 (“Diffuse Materials”) of Raytracing In One Weekend, and I’m working on the implementation of the next chapter (Dielectrics). Here’s the scene I’ve configured for Chapter 8:

    "log_level": "INFO",
    "output_file": "output.ppm",

    "threads": "all",
    "jobs_per_thread": {
        "thread-0": "100%"
    "default_jobs_per_thread": "0%",

    "canvas_follows_screen_resolution": true,
    "use_custom_aspect_ratio": false,

    "kernel_constants": {
        "iterations": 100,
        "samples_per_pixel": 100,
        "screen_width": 4096,
        "screen_height": 2160,
        "aspect_ratio": 1.896296,

        "scene": {
            "camera": {
                "position": {"x": 0.0, "y": 800.0, "z": 5000.0},
                "look_at": {"x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 1000.0},
                "up": {"x": 1.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0},
                "viewport_width": 4096.0,
                "viewport_height": 2160.0,
                "fov": 1.0

            "objects": [
                {"type": "rt::hitables::sphere", "args": {
                    "center": {"x": -1100.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0},
                    "radious": 500.0,
                    "material": {
                        "type": "rt::materials::metal",
                        "args": {
                            "albedo": {"r": 0.9, "g": 0.9, "b": 0.9},
                            "fuzziness": 0.0
                {"type": "rt::hitables::sphere", "args": {
                    "center": {"x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0},
                    "radious": 500.0,
                    "material": {
                        "type": "rt::materials::metal",
                        "args": {
                            "albedo": {"r": 0.9, "g": 0.9, "b": 0.9},
                            "fuzziness": 0.3
                {"type": "rt::hitables::sphere", "args": {
                    "center": {"x": 1100.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0},
                    "radious": 500.0,
                    "material": {
                        "type": "rt::materials::metal",
                        "args": {
                            "albedo": {"r": 0.9, "g": 0.9, "b": 0.9},
                            "fuzziness": 0.0
                {"type": "rt::hitables::sphere", "args": {
                    "center": {"x": 0.0, "y": -20500.0, "z": 0.0},
                    "radious": 20000.0,
                    "material": {
                        "type": "rt::materials::lambertian",
                        "args": {
                            "albedo": {"r": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "b": 0.5}

This is the (current) raytracer kernel:

color trace(const ray& ray, const hitable& world, std::size_t depth_left)
    rt::hit_record hit_record;

    if(world.hit(ray, 0.0f, FLT_MAX, hit_record))
        rt::ray     scattered;
        vector      attenuation;
        const auto* material = hit_record.material;

        if(depth_left > 0 &&
           material->scatter(ray, hit_record, attenuation, scattered))
            return attenuation * trace(scattered, world, depth_left - 1);
            return color::rgb(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        vector unit_direction = ray.direction().normalized();

        const float t = 0.5f * (unit_direction.y + 1.0f);

        return (1.0f - t) * color::rgb(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) +
               t * color::rgb(0.5f, 0.7f, 1.0f);

void kernel(
    const float             x,
    const float             y,
    const kernel_constants& constants,
    color&                  pixel)
    ray eye_to_pixel =, y);

    pixel = trace(eye_to_pixel, constants.scene, constants.iterations);

The renderer running on my Ryzen 1700X:

$ ./bin/raytracer -c ../settings.json                                                                      0,0156s
[info] loading config file ../settings.json ...
[info] runtime settings:
[info]  - worker threads: all (16)
[info]  - output file: output.ppm
[info]  - max allocated jobs per thread:
[info]     thread 0: 100% (8847360 job(s))
[info]     thread 1: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 2: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 3: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 4: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 5: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 6: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 7: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 8: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 9: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 10: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 11: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 12: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 13: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 14: 0% (0 job(s))
[info]     thread 15: 0% (0 job(s))
[info] constants:
[info]  - iterations: 100
[info]  - samples per pixel: 100
[info]  - screen width: 4096 pixels
[info]  - screen height: 2160 pixels
[info]  - aspect ratio: 1.8963
[info]  - scene:
[info]    - camera:
[info]       - position: (0, 800, 5000)
[info]       - look at: (0, 0, 1000)
[info]       - up: (1, 0, 0)
[info]       - viewport width: 4096
[info]       - viewport height: 2160
[info]       - field of view: 1
[info]    - objects: 4 object(s)
[info]      - rt::sphere{center: (-1100, 0, 0), radious: 500, material: rt::materials::metal{albedo: (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), fuzziness: 0}}
[info]      - rt::sphere{center: (0, 0, 0), radious: 500, material: rt::materials::metal{albedo: (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), fuzziness: 0.3}}
[info]      - rt::sphere{center: (1100, 0, 0), radious: 500, material: rt::materials::metal{albedo: (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), fuzziness: 0}}
[info]      - rt::sphere{center: (0, -20500, 0), radious: 20000, material: rt::materials::lambertian{albedo: (1, 1, 0.5)}}
[info] Starting...
[info] elapsed time: 39436 ms
[info] Done. Saving rendering to file...

And the resulting image:

I will update the post with new images while completing the rest of the chapters of the books.