A library for C++ reflection and introspection
Todo List
Member cpp::CMakeProject::stdoutLine (const std::string &targetName, const std::string &line)
Rename to "buildProcessStdout() or something similar.</dd> <dt>\anchor _todo000002 \_setscope cpp::CMakeTarget Class \_internalref classcpp_1_1_c_make_target "cpp::CMakeTarget" This class is highly coupled with the CMakeProject one. Maybe it should be an implementation detail of CMakeTarget class instead, or at least a member class. Creating targets isolated from projects has no sense (And is actually error-prone since targets are not registred in projects during their construction, registration is handled by CMakeProject::addTarget() functions).
Member cpp::CMakeTarget::metadata () const
Rename to "properties".
Class cpp::CMakeTarget::Metadata
Rename to "Properties".
Member cpp::CMakeTarget::Metadata::binaryRelease
remove when merging fixing-windows-support
Member cpp::CMakeTarget::Metadata::loadFromFile (const CMakeProject &project, const std::string &targetName)

remove when merging fixing-windows-support

Throw an exception instead of UB?

Document export_target.cmake and the JSON file format.

Member cpp::CMakeTarget::stdoutLine (const std::string &line)
Rename to "buildProcessStdout() or something similar.</dd> <dt>\anchor _todo000010 Module \_internalref group__error-handling "Error-handling" </dt><dd> cpp::Expect template for "fast" error handling.
Module utility

Move meta.hpp, function_traits.hpp, tuple.hpp, and fusion.hpp to a siplasplas-meta module.

Move error_logger.hpp and exception.hpp to a siplasplas-exception module?

Move cpp::Overload<> to function_traits.hpp