A library for C++ reflection and introspection

This example shows how to use cpp::static_reflection::Enum to do enum introspection, get enum strings for values, etc

#include "../myenum.hpp"
#include <iostream>
* This example shows the enum reflection API.
* All query methods are C++11 constexpr
int main()
using MyEnumStaticRefl = cpp::static_reflection::Enum<MyEnum>;
// Number of enum constants declared:
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::count() == 3, "MyEnum::count() != 3");
// has the enumeration a constant with this value?:
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::has(42), "No value 42 in MyEnum");
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::has(43), "No value 43 in MyEnum");
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::has(44), "No value 44 in MyEnum");
static_assert(!MyEnumStaticRefl::has(45), "Value 45 in MyEnum");
// has the enumeration a constant with this name?:
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::has("FOO"), "No 'FOO' value in MyEnum");
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::has("BAR"), "No 'BAR' value in MyEnum");
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::has("QUUX"), "No 'QUUX' value in MyEnum");
static_assert(!MyEnumStaticRefl::has("FOOBARQUUX"), "'FOOBARQUUX' value in MyEnum");
// value of the constant with the given name (Undefined behavior if there's no such constant, see has()):
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::fromString("FOO") == MyEnum::FOO, "Parsed 'FOO' value not equal to MyEnum::FOO value");
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::fromString("BAR") == MyEnum::BAR, "Parsed 'BAR' value not equal to MyEnum::BAR value");
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::fromString("QUUX") == MyEnum::QUUX, "Parsed 'QUUX' value not equal to MyEnum::QUUX value");
// Name of the constant with the given value (Undefined behavior if there's no constant with that value, see has()):
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::value(0) == MyEnum::FOO, "MyEnum[0] value not equal to MyEnum::FOO value");
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::value(1) == MyEnum::BAR, "MyEnum[1] value not equal to MyEnum::BAR value");
static_assert(MyEnumStaticRefl::value(2) == MyEnum::QUUX, "MyEnum[2] value not equal to MyEnum::QUUX value");
// Iteration over enumeration values (With range for):
for(MyEnum value : MyEnumStaticRefl::values())
std::cout << "MyEnum::" << MyEnumStaticRefl::toString(value) << ": "
<< static_cast<MyEnumStaticRefl::UnderlyingType>(value)
<< std::endl;
// Iteration over enumeration values (With raw indexed loop):
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < MyEnumStaticRefl::count(); ++i)
std::cout << "MyEnum[" << i << "]: MyEnum::" << MyEnumStaticRefl::name(i)
<< " (" << static_cast<MyEnumStaticRefl::UnderlyingType>(MyEnumStaticRefl::value(i)) << ")"
<< std::endl;