It’s been more than a year since I wrote my last blog post. Lot’s of stuff happened this last year, ranging from learning QML to get as much LEGO Technic as possible as a kind of long term investment (Ok, and to satisfy my inner child).
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Emulating reflection proposals
Despite this year is being far less productive than I expected (Well, that’s not fair, past year I used to work from 09:00 to 18:00 + 3h of commuting, then play with C++ from 22:00 to 02:00-06:00 depending on the day. I was so exhausted by the end of the...
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Lock-free job stealing with modern c++
In my previous post I (re)introduced you to my main personal project,
siplasplas, a library and tool
to implement static and dynamic reflection with C++14. Also runtime C++
compilation on top of it, I’m a bit masochist…
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Writing AST matchers for libclang
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Objects anywhere, anytime
A long time ago, in a post
far far away… we seen how constexpr can be used to retrieve and store
type names at compile time, so C++ types can be tagged and indexed without
relying on RTTI.
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