A library for C++ reflection and introspection
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAssignableChecks if a type satisfies the assignable concept
 CConceptRepresents a concept
 CConstructibleChecks if a type satisfies the constructible concept with the given constructor arguments
 CCopyAssignableChecks if a type satisfies the copy assignable concept
 CCopyConstructibleChecks if a type satisfies the copy constructible concept
 CDefaultConstructibleChecks if a type satisfies the default constructible concept
 CDestructibleChecks if a type satisfies the destructible concept
 CIStreamableChecks whether a vaue of type T can be read from a standard stream
 CMoveAssignableChecks if a type satisfies the move assignable concept
 CMoveConstructibleChecks if a type satisfies the move constructible concept
 COStreamableChecks whether a vaue of type T can be written to a standard stream
 CIfImplements the then branch of an static conditional
 CClassStores dynamic reflection information of a class type
 CEntityRepresents a C++ semantic entity (Class, function, namespace, etc) and manages its dynamic reflection information
 CEnumStores dynamic reflection information of an enumeration type
 CFieldStores dynamic reflection information of a member object
 CFunctionStires dynamic reflection information of a function
 CNamespaceStores dynamic reflection information of a namespace
 CRuntimeProvides access to dynamic type and function information at runtime
 CRuntimeLoaderLoads dynamic reflection information from an external library
 CIStreamableImplements read from an standard input stream
 COStreamableImplements write to an standard output stream
 CClassStores static reflection information of a given class
 CEnumStores static reflection information of an enumeration type
 CFieldStores static reflection information of a member object
 CFunctionStores static reflection information of a non-const member function
 CSourceInfoStores source information of an entity
 CClassReturns static reflection information of a given class
 CEnumReturns static reflection information of the given enumeration type
 CFieldReturns static reflection information of a given pointer to member object
 CFunctionReturns static reflection information of a function
 CFieldStores a type erased member object pointer
 CFunctionStores a type-erased callable of any signature and kind
 CTypeInfoContains minimal information to execute the value semantics operations of a type
 CAnyImplements a type-erased object container with support for dynamic method and attribute invokation
 CAnyArgRepresents a type erased function call argument
 CAssertExceptionRepresents an assertion error
 CAssertExpressionImplements a siplasplas assertion
 CAsyncSinkImplements an asynchronous signal sink suited for communication between different threads
 CCMakeProjectConfigures and builds an existing CMake project
 CCMakeTargetRepresents a CMake target being watched by a project
 CMetadataRepresents the set of properties that define a target
 CConstNonOwningStorageImplements a read-only non owning storage
 CDeadPoolStorageImplements fixed-size with fallback to dynamic allocation
 CDummyAssertExpressionRepresents an assert expression when SIPLASPLAS_ASSERT() macros are disabled
 CDynamicLibraryProvides a cross-platform interface to load symbols from shared libraries at runtime
 CSymbolRepresents a symbol loaded from a dynamic library
 CExceptionDeclares a siplasplas exception type
 CFileSystemListenerFile system listener class that notifies filesystem changed through signals
 CFixedSizeStorageImplements fixed-size storage
 CHashA functor that implements a hash function for values of type T
 CIdentityA functor class implementing the identity function
 CNonOwningStorageImplements a non owning storage
 CRawHashA functor that implements a bytewise hash function for values of type T
 CSignalEmitterClass that can send and receive signals from other emitters
 CSignalSinkInterface to the signals sink API
 CSimpleAnyImplements a type-erased value container with minimal value semantics requirements
 CEmptyTagType used to represent empty state
 CSimpleAny< ConstNonOwningStorage >Cpp::SimpleAny specialization for non-owning const references to existing objects. See cpp::ConstNonOwningStorage
 CSimpleAny< NonOwningStorage >Cpp::SimpleAny specialization for non-owning references to existing objects. See cpp::NonOwningStorage
 CSyncSinkImplements a direct connection to the destination function
 CUniversalReferenceImplements a copyable wrapper of an universal reference
 CUniversalReference< T, false, false >UniversalReference spacialization for rvalues
 CUniversalReference< T, true, false >UniversalReference spacialization for non-const lvalues