A library for C++ reflection and introspection
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAssertExceptionRepresents an assertion error
 CAssertExpressionImplements a siplasplas assertion
 CAsyncSinkImplements an asynchronous signal sink suited for communication between different threads
 CCMakeProjectConfigures and builds an existing CMake project
 CCMakeTargetRepresents a CMake target being watched by a project
 CMetadataRepresents the set of properties that define a target
 CDummyAssertExpressionRepresents an assert expression when SIPLASPLAS_ASSERT() macros are disabled
 CDynamicLibraryProvides a cross-platform interface to load symbols from shared libraries at runtime
 CSymbolRepresents a symbol loaded from a dynamic library
 CExceptionDeclares a siplasplas exception type
 CFileSystemListenerFile system listener class that notifies filesystem changed through signals
 CHashA functor that implements a hash function for values of type T
 CRawHashA functor that implements a bytewise hash function for values of type T
 CSignalEmitterClass that can send and receive signals from other emitters
 CSignalSinkInterface to the signals sink API
 CSyncSinkImplements a direct connection to the destination function