Header file exception.hpp
#include "error_logger.hpp"
#include <ctti/type_id.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace cpp
template <typename Ex, typename Message>
void logException(const Message& message, std::size_t framesToSkip = 0);
template <typename Ex>
void logException(const Ex& exception, std::size_t framesToSkip = 0);
template <typename Ex, typename Base = std::exception>
class Exception;
template <typename Exception, typename ... Args>
Exception exceptionSkippingFrames(std::size_t framesToSkip, const std::string& message, Args&&... args);
template <typename Exception, typename ... Args>
Exception exception(const std::string& message, Args&&... args);
template <typename Exception, typename ... Args>
void Throw(const std::string& message, Args&&... args);
Function template cpp::logException<Ex, Message>
template <typename Ex, typename Message>
void logException(const Message& message, std::size_t framesToSkip = 0);
This function logs an error report (See cpp::logError()) about a thrown exception. The error report is of the form:
'<exception type>' exception thrown: <message>
catch(const std::runtime_error& ex)
Template parameter cpp::logException<Ex, Message>::Ex
typename Ex
Type of the exception. \param message Exception message. \param framesToSkip Number of frames to skip from the backtrace. Default is cero. See cpp::logErrorSkippingFrames().
Function template cpp::logException<Ex>
template <typename Ex>
void logException(const Ex& exception, std::size_t framesToSkip = 0);
This function logs a detailed error report from an exception object. See cpp::logError(). The error report is of the form:
'<exception type>' exception thrown: <exception.what()>
catch(const std::runtime_error& ex)
Parameter cpp::logException::exception
const Ex& exception
Exception object. The error message for the report is get from exception.what()
. \param framesToSkip Number of frames to skip from the backtrace. Default is cero. See cpp::logErrorSkippingFrames().
Class template cpp::Exception<Ex, Base>
template <typename Ex, typename Base = std::exception>
class Exception
: public Base
template <std::size_t N>
Exception(const char (&) message[N]);
Exception(const std::string& message);
Declares a siplasplas exception type.
This CRTP provides a convenient way to declare exception types that follow siplasplas conventions. Siplasplas exceptions are automatically logged to the error logger (See cpp::logException()) on construction.
Template parameter cpp::Exception<Ex, Base>::Ex
typename Ex
Declared exception type. It’s the derived class parameter of the CRTP. \tparam Base Exception base class. std::exception by default.
Function template cpp::exceptionSkippingFrames<Exception, Args...>
template <typename Exception, typename ... Args>
Exception exceptionSkippingFrames(std::size_t framesToSkip, const std::string& message, Args&&... args);
This function creates an exception object of the given type using a custom parameterized error message (See fmt::format()
). Exceptions instanced throught this function are reported automatically (See cpp::logError() and cpp::logException()).
template<typename Function>
void businessLogic(Function callback)
int main()
// throw an error skipping the callback frame from the report backtrace:
throw exceptionSkippingFrames<std::runtime_error>(1, "Look, a runtime error!");
Template parameter cpp::exceptionSkippingFrames<Exception, Args...>::Exception
typename Exception
Exception type to instance. \param framesToSkip Number of lower frames to skip from the report backtrace. See cpp::logErrorSkippingFrames(). \param message Exception error message. May have message argument placeholders. See fmt::format()
. \param args Error message arguments.
Function template cpp::Throw<Exception, Args...>
template <typename Exception, typename ... Args>
void Throw(const std::string& message, Args&&... args);
Throws an exception. See cpp::exception().