This week there’s a ISO C++ meeting in Cologne, and after having the Spanish
national body meeting this past week this looks like a perfect moment to
reflect, one more time, on reflection in C++.
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Always measure (A raytracing runtime post-mortem)
Most of my colleages don’t know I’m a big fan of graphics programming and that I used to write a lot of hobby projects on the topic (A DirectX 9 2d engine, a software renderer from scratch, etc). Life is complex and for multiple reasons I’ve never worker professionally in...
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(More) Fun with user defined attributes
If C++ was a modern language…
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Here be frogs battling dragons
As usually I like to start my blog posts reflecting a bit about my work:
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Writing reusable base recipes for packages
One of my problems when doing C++ is that I actually like C++ (Yep, that’s
a problem), so I end up spawning new projects like every two monthsh or
something. Which is almost nothing compared to some people in this community.
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